13 June 2006

Okay So I'm Home, ......Ohio that is

So I'm home and it's weird. I've been over doing it and I know I shouldn't. But it's so hard when you have so much to do and see. So the overdoing has caused 3 major crashes. The most recent one this weekend, lost all of Sunday and Monday. I hate it when that happens! So in the mist of a "pain drug" induced sleep, I wake up with the some really random thoughts. So I call my baby brother upstairs and ask him to write it cuz well.... I couldn't. And this is what spilled out...

Mother's are like trapeeze artists'. They perform a balancing act, swinging on that little bar. Balancing family, finances, relationships and careers. And yet they manage to smile, wowing the crowd night after night. Twirling and tumbling as they seek to do they impossible. They fall and are caught by a net, always careful these mothers. Always to stand again, shaken they return to the heights to begin again their duties as if nothing ever happens. The show MUST go on.
So if parasols are moods during theses acts, yellow for happiness, blue for sorrow, red for passion, black for anger, white for peace. I would wish that my parasol was yellow, but it's blue. And I begin again....


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