23 November 2006

Okay So Not Cool

Okay not cool

I am up @ 6am not by choice. My husband went tout to take care of a friend. That was 6-7 hours ago. He has called twice, after I have called him to see what was up. Now I’m getting a little worried. I again called and now there is no answer. I’m being paranoid I know but it’s the night before Thanksgiving. You don’t stay out past 6am on the night before Thanksgiving, well at least not without a damn good reason. So I’m up worried as usual, and my DH has no worries that I’m up as usual. You’d think he knows me enough by now that I would know that he is not here. It’s an internal clock thing, I wake up like every 3 hours when he’s not home and do like a “systems” check. It must be a wife/mom/parent thing. But I’ll tell ya before all this mess with T I could sleep through the night. Now I worry when he’s out and there’s no phone calls. Why does the man even own as cell phone? He doesn’t use it. Okay wait a minute he does use it, he just doesn’t use it to call me.


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