07 April 2008

Cracked and a little dazed

. Cracked is right and dazed from drugs. While eating a snack yesterday, I hear a resounding crack. I inspect my mouth in the bathroom mirror to discover that I have cracked one of my lower right teeth. Now I have to say I have some of the most horrible teeth anywhere. I have a GORGEOUS smile, but my dental health is seriously lacking. I brush, I floss, I get cleanings but I just have BAD teeth. So, this tooth is a tooth that has many fillings in it, at least 3 that I could see. No to mention it's been filled since I was about 10 or 11. So the fillings were old and deteriorating hence the split from my mouth.

I got to the dentist today and he says WOW you need work. I'm like you think? But I must say he was really nice, gentle and quick. He says I need a crown and a possible root canal. If I have a root canal it will be my 4th or 5th, I'm unsure Blushing 6 So now I wait patiently as my mouth thaws from the anesthetic. I'm so ready to eat, I haven't eaten since I cracked my tooth. PB&J is sounding good and I'm NOT a PB&J woman.

As for the family. Taty has been having some really strange headaches, which we are having her checked out for more thoroughly on Friday. For right now the poor thing is on Tylenol w/ Codeine. Marcel- nothing really knew. The dh, well he's busy and his shifts as usually have no predictable course. But such is the life of a military family.

Well I think I'm about done my mouth is alive again and I can now feel my tongue. However I can also feel that tooth, and the throbbing pain it has now developed. Yeouch! Crying 3


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