28 April 2008

Weekends on your back, definitely suck

For those of you with interesting turns of the mind retrieve then from the gutter. I'm talking specifically about spending the weekend in bed because I injured my back on Thursday during a fall. Needless to say the fall aggravated my Fibro and now I'm in amounts of pain I find extremely uncomfortable.

I have a doctor's appointment at 12:45 and I plan to ask for some measures to be taking. I'm really tired of dealing with the amount of pain I do on a daily basis. I also need to see a Physical Therapist. If I could I'd like to be able to have a therapeutic massage every week. I know Tricare probably won't cover it but I really need it. I do know it's one of the few things that does help relax my muscles and promote healing in my already pain riddled body.

As far as the rest of life goes, well...... it goes. Marcel is doing very well. He brought his progress report home for the final qtr. and he has all A's and one B. very Nice! On Tatyanna we are still waiting to see specialists it's just a waiting game now. Her reading has definitely improved and now she is reading anything she can get her hands on. She is definitely like her mam w/ the books. I'm so excited for her, discovering the world of books is always exciting. Back in Ohio life spends out of control and I hear all my info second and third hand. That is very annoying but at least I get the info, right. My kid sister just signed on her house and I wait patiently to find out when my bro and my Dad are going to come down to visit us in our new home. My baby bro has already visited but his next visit is going to be a little longer hopefully. I always miss my family more than ever when I'm going through. There's no "real" no physical support, ya know. I could really use a sibling hug right now.

So everyone when life reaches a semblance of sanity I'm sure yall will be the first to know.


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