22 October 2008

As the world tilts.....

My father is ill and it seems to be altering my world perceptions.  I seem to be,lost in this gray fog made of all the points in my life my father has affected.  Needless to say I'm quite surrounded.  You never realize how someone affects your very way of thinking until you may lose them.  I've noticed that smells and sounds are triggering mostly memories of my father.  I'm stuck in this constant round of worry about how long he's going to be around. It's like living in a pit where I can see the way out but I'd rather just stay in the pit.


Jenn said...

Hey girlie,

just wanted to send (((hugs))) your way. Sorry to hear you're having a rough go of it, but I hope a mental clearing finds its way to you.

Much love ~

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