I'm not going to have time to write a lot. I wrote a substantial bit and lost it. Don't you hate when that happens, AGG! I am going to steal my post from another board so I won't have type as much. I will say that Alaska has been an experience and one I don't wish to repeat. I had sais some stuff about how much has happened here and that it seems like it's been longer than four years. I am heartbroken to leave the friends that we have made here. But Alaska, with it's non-ending winter, it's lack of anything to do, and no Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Victoria Secrets, Bath and Bodyworks or anythin absolutely necessary for survival. No I can't say that I will miss it, even if it is "unspoiled" and beautiful for 2.5 months of the year.
The Post stolen from the THBC
I finished my Grandmother's blanket weeks ago but forgot to post it. I also finished Taty's dress for the wedding Monday night, as well as the ring bearers pillow last weekend. Taty had a zoo trip last week as well as a barbecue on Monday which I forgot to bring my camera too. So much going on I'm surprised I'm still sane. I took a rest day yesterday but today I'm going to work on the going away gifts for the kids teachers, new hall passes (quilted). Marcel has a bowling trip tomorrow and then the kids spend the night at their bf's houses for the last time Friday night. Saturday I take the girl bf's to get their nails done, then Taty gets her hair braided that evening. Sunday is the dinner with their class mates at one of the local restaurants. Monday after that is the Kenny G concert. In which T and Marcel will go to, then T will drop Marcel off at the airport. So we can catch the red-eye to Ohio @ 1230 am Tuesday morning.
So if any of you want to fly to the AK before we are out of here to give me hand, I'll take it!
Here's the pics
16 May 2007
So much going on
The Mommy's Late Tuesday Ten- 10 things in my Grocery Cart
10 Things in My Grocery Cart
1. Juice- we drink ALOT of juice. The kids old daycare provider was always calling us juice heads
2. Something quick- like skillet sensations, rotisserie chicken, etc. I can't cook well anymore, so the simpler the better.
3. Chocolate
4. Chocolate Chip Caramel Cookies by Peperidge Farms
5. Taty's snack- usually fruit roll ups, granola bars
6. Marcel's snack- oatmeal cream pies (right now)
7. Yogurt- Dannon Peach
8. Fresh vegetables if we are out
9. Fresh fruit again if we are out
10. Medicine- we are always picking up Children's Tylenol or Motrin, or something
09 May 2007
Tuesday Ten
Ten things I think about while I'm driving
1- Where am I driving to?
2- How much time do I have to get there? I'm usually running at least 10 minutes behind.
3- That I need to change the radio station or put on a CD. This is because T and I both drive the van and we don't listen to the same kinds of music. 8x of 10 I need to do within 5 minutes so I don't either go deaf or dumb.
4- If I'm getting the kids, are they going to need snackage when I get a hold of them.
5- Where do I need to be after I get to where I'm going?
6- How much time do I have to do what I need to do?
7- I go over any lists that I have made- to do, grocery, shopping, etc.
8- I give the kids directions for when we get where ever we are going, like this- "When we get inside Marcel, you will go get such and such, Taty you need to keep a look out for this and that."
9- Do I need to get the car to Torrey at some point? Or do I need to pick him up from work.
10- Now where did I put my cell? If it rings I need to have had my ear piece in and I almost always forget to do it when I get in the car.
07 May 2007
This is one of those trying times
I don't know why but I've really been putting off writing this post. I guess it's kind of like if I lay my soul bare here, it's all over. So here it goes...
We are NOT going to England... --
I know this is all I've been talking about for months and now this happens. However the military is the military and they have brought forth a decree.
They have denied our clearance yet again. Stating that I am too "unstable" for overseas travel. Can you believe that? That being the case I don't think that many of the worlds population could or should be considered stable. And just who decides my stability anyway? I am just pissed that some doctor that has NEVER met me can decide my stability. For those of you who KNOW me, it is without a doubt that right now is the most "stable" I have ever been.
So whatever....
As of right now we are being processed into a special military category for family members with "special needs". It is called the Exceptional Family Members Program. They match you with bases that can offer services to meet the families requirements. For me, according to my therapist that is a big fat NOTHING. For Taty she just "needs" a pediatric dentist and apparently they don't have any of those in the UK. I can only assume that they do, and just don't want to have to deal with finding or payingfor one.
The Lord only knows how long this new assignment process is going to take. He's also the only one who can explain to me why life SO sucks right now. However I am convinced that His plans are way better that any I could come up with. I'm also sure that He knows what He's doing. He did do it all ya know, the world and everything. He has obviously got it down by now. I just wish he would give us "mere" mortals a heads up once in a while. It is ever so nice to know when your world is about to come crashing down around your ears.
So now I am up to those ears in stuff for my kid-sis' wedding, pre-PCS junk, as well as a thousand and one "leaving the AK forever" projects. We will be flying home for the wedding and a much needed vacation, the third week in May. I'm hoping that being home with my family helps me regain some of my lost Zing! A great side effect to this would be for the military to get their idiot rears in gear and get us a compatible assignment.