22 October 2005

Ever feel like your caught in between done and desperation. I was in the car on the way home from the book store, when I realized how worthless I'm feeling these days. I want to go out and do things, be places but I'm scared. Scared, yeah I'm scared because everytime I try to attepmt to live normally I end up overdoing it. Afterwards I'm exhausted, miserable, depressed and in pain. I want to know why I can't just be well. I want to understand why it's so hard right now to be normal, to be happy. I don't think ever been this miserable in my life. I can't cook, I can't quilt, I can barely crochet and type. What I'm supposed to do with the rest of my life if I can't function normally. It's so unfair, but who said life was fair; right.


Dina said...

we all feel the same sometimes, i completely understand. your not alone.

Miss D

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