21 April 2007

And once again....

So T, my husband, has re-submitted our medical clerance paperwork. Now we play the waiting game again. I hope and pray it does not take another month to get the stuff back. There is so much stuff we have to finish doing. All of which we CAN NOT do without our hard copies (final copies of our orders). Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

On a better note I have most of my grandmother's afghan finished. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI will be sure to post a picture of it when it's complete. Marcel has been helping me with some of the piecing and embroidery. I've had to take quite a few breaks but it's mainly because of the fibro. I can only work on it when my back and hands are "happy". The good thing is that it's mostly piecing and embroidery, with a few squares left to complete.

Finally a treat for those of you that I don't know who possibly read my blog. I have new school pics of my kiddos.
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Tatyanna- 6
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And the two of them
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Can you believe it? One my kids are HUGE and second these are school pictures! School pictures.... why couldn't have my school pics have looked like these.


Cathy said...

Candace, I love those pictures! Your kids are growing up so fast!


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