23 June 2008

Due to Face-crack and Packrat

When I posted about the Packrat game I DID NOT KNOW that is would take over my life. I have always, constantly and unrelentingly berated my husband, son and brother for playing the Xbox all the time. And now I find myself in my garage, that is NOT air conditioned, w/ 2 FANS on me in 115 degree weather, trading, bargaining, and waiting for cards to come up in the Packrat markets. I have 83+ friends on Facebook that are strictly Packrat buddies. We trade, jibe and watch out for each other's Packs. Helping each other attain FEATS, points, and credits so that we can buy more cards and get more FEATS, points and credits. The cycle is never ending and the cards get more fun, or funny and fun to combine, trade, and vault. I am actually not as addicted as some people who have admitted to losing relationships because of this oh so scintillating game. Therefore I am determined to get back on my blog and write about the things that have inadvertently slipped my mind while it has been engaged in "mortal combat".


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