17 January 2009

Interesting Outing

Torrey and I went out this evening. Our first evening out in about 8 months. We were easier, with each other than we have been in years. however the pall of our marital problems hung over the entire evening. the movie we went to see- Not Easily Broken was excellent. It was just what we needed to hear.

Dinner before was delicious and relaxed. I missed just being able to talk and enjoy his company. After the movie we went to The Buzz, a nightclub. It started off very slow, but by the time we left it was quite lively. I however felt very old, everyone looked to be about 20. It was very disconcerting. All in all though a wonderful night.

My feelings for this evening were mixed. I'm still having a hard time with comparisons. I am now trying to figure out if the songs I thought were for me, were for me. I mean were they really for me? Or were they meant for one of his girlfriends. I'm afraid to ask. I love some of those songs and I don't want to taint my perceptions of them. I also don't want to stir up old memories for him. Memories of those past gf's that night jeopardize our reconciliation. What am I to do?


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