05 October 2007

So we've been in Arizona 3 weeks

We've been Arizona for almost 4 weeks now and I think I'm gonna like it here. Obviously it''s a big change from Alaska. So even though it's hotter than all get out, it's so much more developed. There's stuff to do and see everywhere. Around every corner is a strip mall, with a grocery store, Walmart, etc. You can literally go in any direction from the base and find something to do.

We have been living in TLF (Temporary Lodging Facility) and I'm so ready to be out of there. I have as you well know been living out a suitcase since MAY! So I'm ready for a permanent place to live and all mys things. The good news on that front is that it will actually happen soon. We move into our base house on Wednesday of next week. I'm really hoping the weekend just flies by.

So I'm roasting like a chile on a grill, but I'm learning to love every minute of it. Hopefully this new place truly finds a spot in my heart.


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