29 October 2007

So we are in the new house

So he we are... yes in Arizona, living in a house that is the size of a pea. The house as I told my brother is Alaska nice...as far a military houses go, that's great. However it is Florida small... as in before we had 2 kids and enough stuff to fill the moon. I want my old square footage back. I want my old colorful walls and I want my sewing room in order this house needs serious style renovations.

All in all however the neighbors are friendly, the weather is wonderful and well it's peaceful here. A different kind of tranquility from AK. Here it is hot and gorgeous instead of being frigid and gorgeous. I still have mountains too, sort of, more like large brown porous ant hills, LOL. I'm learning to be highway savvy as well. So it's a good thing I had lots of practice when I was home in Ohio. It has so paid off! I'm also enjoying the variety of places to shop, and I hate shopping so that says a lot. I guess I like being able to choose to shop, instead of being limited to ordering from the internet.

The only thing truly missing from this new chapter, is a new job. Yes I said it..I'm going to rejoin the working mom force. I really have no choice, and thinks to the beautiful weather and dry climate hopefully my fibromite body will not detest me.

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Elizabeth said...

Sorry the house is so small. But it's not always brown there. There's like a week in December where it rains and things green up. I keep telling hubby we need to move back there. I hate it where we are now. Hopefully the milder winters will be nicer on your fibro.

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