30 October 2007

Tuesday 10- 10 things about Halloween

1. We don't celebrate it, however I have nothing against those who do, religious preference

2. Have never celebrated it, my Dad thought it was too unsafe in the world to let us trick or treat
3. Did dress up @ school when I was little, parents did allow that.
4. I actually miss the dressing up part.
5. They also let us pass out candy, or at least had a big bowl for us to munch
6. I sometimes feel bad for my kids that they don't dress up.
7. I let them pass out candy the year, they're Dad was in Japan- SHHHSmileyCentral.com
8. I ws thinking about letting them do it this year, and putting scriptures on the treats.
9. I am taping the Great Pumpkin, it's a childhood thing. Everybody has to watch the Great Pumpkin, it's as American as Apple Pie
10. If I could dress up, I'd go as a book worm,

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Cathy said...

A bookworm! What an awesome idea for a costume! :-)


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