26 March 2008

Loopedy, loop, loop

Sometimes I think I'm riding a roller coaster and I'm the one that's about ready to pee on herself. I hate roller coasters by the way. Last night was crucial, a real dozy of a pain night. 6 Percocet and 3 Flexril, and I feel like someone stuffed cotton wool in my mouth. I laid in bed an prayed that I would just pass out but no such luck. Then I started to ramble at my poor husband. I really talked a wind about him, about spending more time with his family, mostly. At least that is what my tells me that I was saying. Being that medicated, I'm not really all that certain. He was so sweet, he listened in a sleep stupor and answered with a lot of Huh's? I'm not staying on the computer too long today. I'm going to pick a book, and some lunch then sleep, veg, probably re-medicate. I'm still screaming on this dang roller coaster and I really would like to get off.


living in PA said...

Sorry you had such a rough day.
I'm glad he listened to you...he should. :-)

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