30 March 2008

Lonely still

We've been here for almost 7 months and still I get lonely. I made a LOT of very close friend in the AK and if I think about it in FL too. But I don't know it just seems really hard at this moment in time to separate myself from my feelings. Maybe Aunt Flow is coming, who knows I'm so irregular. It's just that i was just on My Space and saw an old AK friends page. Her kids have grown so much since may of last year. It's been almost a year since we saw them last. Her dd and mine were BFF's and I know Taty misses Mac alot. I know I miss Grace. Sad 2 I just had to put this up before I finally got my butt into bed. I was amazed by how much it hurt, I actually started to tear up looking at the pics.


living in PA said...

I'm sorry, C. I completely understand. I still miss my best friend in GA terribly and we've been gone almost two years. I can work up to tears pretty easily thinking about it.
Hope you find some good friends soon.

You've got me curious about your surprise also. :-)

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