02 April 2008

It's been an interesting last couple of days. I'm working on a project right now that is so far going very well. unfortunately I'm not at liberty to say what that project is at the moment. However I will say that is life changing, as well as being a really BIG surprise for all my Mommy friends.

As far as the family goes the kids had been sick over the weekend and I was working on getting them well. Marcel's asthma is acting up but they put him on a burst of steroids and he should start to feel good as new soon.

The dh got a flat tire on Sunday night early Monday. He scared about 5 years off me with this one. His phone went dead and then he had to pump the spare by hand. So I didn't get a call from him telling me where he was or why he was late until almost 3am. Not cool!

Yesterday while cooking dinner he decided to April me Fool by telling me he got a remote assignment to Korea for a year, leaving in December. I believed him whole heartedly but didn't freak out. I just thought oh well I'm a military spouse, what can I do? When the military send down a decree you say okay. While mulling over what was said I realized what day it was and asked him if he was fooling me. Of course he said yes, so I punched in the arm. So NOT funny.

Today I'm crashing a little so I will be heading to bed momentarily, with some Percocet and Flexril as nap time companions. I hope everyone has a great rest of the day.

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